Arrangements have been made to participate in the St. George’s Day celebration being held at Harrisons Sports and Social Club on April 20th. The Great Wyrley Carnival Committee is planning the day’s activities with support from the Royal British Legion. The traditional start will be held and, having learned the lessons from previous celebration, provision has been made for both outside and inside stalls to be manned depending upon the variable English weather. The Society has formed a sub-committee to make our definitive arrangements and the theme of our displays will be ‘children’. The background research and possible activities to commemorate the start of the ‘Great War (World War 1) continues to gather pace. The Society has been invited, along with numerous Societies and Organisations, to attend an exchange of information, and ideas, being led by Staffordshire County Council. Staffordshire has a distinctive profile, particularly in and around the Cannock area, associated with World War 1 and it is hoped that an interesting program of activities can be put together. Also, the County Council Project Manager will be calling in to Broadmeadow Lane to speak informally with us regarding possible next steps.
The possible visit to Shugborough previously mentioned has been further considered and will not now be taking place due to other commitments already made for the same time. The Society Open Day for 2013 has been confirmed for Saturday, 16th November. It will be held at Harrisons Sports and Social Club in Wharwell Lane. The Society considered various alternative dates and decided to hold the Open Day later in the year than has been the case in previous years. Further contents will be listed as the definitive details and schedule of activities are prepared. An extensive re-cataloguing of the Society photo archives is being undertaken in background mode. The Society has an extensive library and the efforts being made will enable even further contents to be included as and when donations are kindly made. The exercise may result in a slight time delay with requests for photo searches and similar but it is hoped that this will be kept to a practical minimum, whenever possible. A thoroughly entertaining and informative coffee morning was held with Geoff Hook. He is the last ‘Mother of Pearl’ practitioner and his examples of the raw materials plus the wide range of final products was illuminating. A number of ‘sad’ comments were subsequently received that this heritage-laden profession would be lost forever unless some group (or Organisation) could be found to preserve this distinctive skill (and it’s old labour-intensive machines).
A Genealogy for beginners class has started and will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month. This is in response to a number of informal enquiries from Society members plus other people in the local community. The sessions are directed by Ray Franks who has detailed practical knowledge arising from his own personal efforts on his family (and wider –reaching relatives).