It’s been hotter than 1976

Autumn Magazine – Available to buy from the Committee

Never have I been more glad to see a year like this one go out, it started with slight trepidation of a new variety of Covid strain, but it wasn’t to be. The doomsayers were sure we were in for another lockdown, but thankfully it never happened and I hope this is the last time I shall write of that scourge. At least we have the Coffee Mornings back up to strength, what with our visit to the Iron Works at Oswestry, the Jubilee and the Carnival, we thought we would try having the Events Day at the Centre this year. I thought it would be better for the Society as a whole, small and compact, like us on the committee and to see what our members thought of it.

It always gives me deep sadness when I have to report the passing on of a member, Alan Horton, himself and his wife Jean had been staunch members for quite a few years, Alan had worked in the print trade all of his life and at one time worked at the Walsall Observer as a Compositor, when it was a real newspaper. We had lots of conversations about the newspaper industry, as I worked for the Evening Mail for many years. Alan had been unwell with that nasty complaint I don’t even like talking about. Sadly he passed away at the Manor Hospital, so all of our condolences to his wife Brenda. On a brighter note. didn’t we have a fantastic July and August, reminiscent of 1976, but hotter, hitting record levels of 40oC, 38oC in Great Wyrley.

The gardens for a time looked beautiful but they certainly needed watering. From all of us at Great Wyrley Local History Society, members and committee, in sorrow we announce the passing of Our Queen, Elizabeth ll on the 8th September 2022. She was liked and well respected across the world and be sadly missed. We now await King Charles the third.