April 2023 Newsletter

What an enjoyable morning we had with Kath Reynolds, talking about the “old school days”. It bought back many memories – good and bad. It was all chalk and talk back in the day. Now it’s all white boards and laptops.

The liberty bodice with suspenders was one item that will remain with me for a long time.
In the United Kingdom they were well known for decades, with some older women still using them in the 1970s. A liberty bodice was a simply shaped sleeveless bodice, often made of warm, fleecy fabric, usually with suspenders  attached. It might be straight or slightly curvy, and sometimes had buttons to fasten on other underwear: drawers (knickers or US panties) or petticoat/slip. A vest might be worn underneath. The bodices had no boning, unlike corsets, although some had firm cloth strapping which might encourage good posture. read more…

It is with great sadness that we report of the death of Chris Myatt, on April 14th 2023, after a long illness, wife of Ron Myatt. Ron was on the Committee of the Society from the early days, and helped giving us a secure financial framework. Chris Myatt – Centre Chairman and Secretary, With her ‘can do’ attitude and eternal optimism she was instrumental in developing and maintaining www.landywoodvoluntaryhelp.co.uk for 40 years & was a well loved person in Great Wyrley. Chris’s voluntary work in the community will live on. We send our deepest sympathy to Ron Myatt & family, she will be greatly missed.

The Open Evening was a success, quite a number of people came along, who can’t make it to the coffee morning,.

The next open evening is June 22nd 7 – 9 pm. Old & New members welcome to come alone for a chat & cuppa, and find out what we are all about.

Do you have a story to tell? that involves GREAT WYRLEY, either the place or a person? We’d love to hear your story and print it in our magazine.

Any school stories or photos? workplace stories, scouts, girl guides, football team stories?

Please email any stories or photos to: photos@greatwyrleylocalhistorysociety.co.uk

Have you heard an interesting Speaker’s recently? We are always interested in different speakers. Please email: diane@mstolley.plus.com

I thought this was an appropriate photo, given last months talk. It is of Landywood School, I counted at least 46 pupils, how did the teachers cope with such a large number?  Exact date unknown.