Our coffee morning speaker was Christine Reynolds who gave a talk and a comprehensive insight as to how remembrance day is commemorated around the world. Everyone enjoyed the talk, there was quite a large collection of literature spread out on tables for the members to look at after the talk.
New Quinton Display Board
Our new noticeboard has now been installed for all to see on the land by the beacon/Doctors surgery, on the Quinton Count Shopping Centre – Great Wyrley. The noticeboard will be used to inform everyone of what’s happening in the society and anything else that is going on in Great Wyrley.
Wyrley Court Retirement Homes

There have been many changes on this plot of land on the Walsall Road, from the old Great Wyrley First School, opened in 1883. In it’s life it was rebuilt and ran as a school until 1985 until it changed into a Daycare Centre. Unfortunately the Daycare Centre closed and the building was left empty for some years. In its place is now a huge building, pictured about, wyrleycourt.co.uk – which is residential apartments for those of us that wish to occupy in later life. It looks very impressive and it’s good to see new businesses opening up in the area, this will bring new people, residents and jobs to the area.