Our book ‘Reflections over the years’ has continued to be well received following the formal public launch event on December 12th at the Community Centre. Commendations have been received from Lord Cormack, our M.P. Mr Gavin Williamson and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Requests for the book are being regularly received and distributions arranged. These include a number of international locations.
The book has been distributed to local schools and libraries. The Society has been particularly pleased with its acceptance into the William Salt library in Stafford. This library is the official reference point for formal information enquiries within the County and it is extensively used by a wide range of public and private Organisations.
Our ‘Great Wyrley Review’ publication issued in 2011 also continues a steady selling profile. However, the last box of books was opened recently and current indications are that it will be sold out in the near future. Please contact Gary Smith, Trevor Pearce or Tony Newell for further information. Their details are included at the end of the ‘Were You There?’ article.
At the book launch on December 12th, we were delighted to be handed a letter dated 1901 to the Parish Council from Whitehall on behalf of the King offering thanks for support following the death of Queen Victoria. At the January 2013 meeting of Great Wyrley Parish Council, it was agreed that the Council would take a good copy of the letter and the original could be bequeathed to our Society. Steps are being taken to ensure it is preserved, stored in the Society archives and made available for exhibitions and other events that are supported by the Society.
Despite the horrific weather, an excellent turnout came to the coffee morning. The speaker gave an entertaining talk on ‘Shugborough and its hidden treasures’. Several examples were displayed and ‘eyes were opened’ as to the gem that is virtually on our doorstep! Afterwards, a number of members informally asked about visiting Shugborough and further details will be sought in the near future.