October 2014 Newsletter

A thoroughly entertaining session was given by Joe Dyke at the coffee morning. It broadly addressed his large collection of various coins and the range of background stories therein.

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Joe also has a large collection of postcards and it is hoped to invite Joe to a future coffee morning to share the details with us.

John Devey has recently published a book on Churchbridge. It has received a good response from readers and John will be joining us to speak at our November coffee morning. The December coffee morning will be a social session.

We attended the Bridgtown Society Open Day at Bridgtown Social. Good feedback has been received from attendees. The picture below was taken at the event.


Detailed behind the scene activities are on-going in readiness for our Open Day / Annual Event. Various displays are nearing completion for the event being held at Harrisons Club on November 15th between 1 am and 4pm. We hope you can join us.

Discussions are on-going, in partnership with the Senior Citizens Centre Trustees, with regard to the Car Park surface and the kerbs entering the car park. It involves several Organisations, such as the County Council and we hope to conclude the discussions in the next few weeks. It may mean that vehicular access will be restricted while the work is being undertaken and the immediate days after the work. Members will be contacted as soon as specific details are known.

The Society is participating in a small ‘Voice of War and Peace’ workshop being held at the City of Birmingham library in early-November when a number of Societies are sharing their Great War projects.

Members are asked if they can support the Society with a number of enquiries that have been received. They relate to 1) Ralph Smith formerly of 17 Bluebell Lane 2) History and / or photos of 2 Bentons Lane 3) John or Charles Henry Prime, formerly Station Master and 4) ‘Mayfield’ house opposite the old Post Office on Walsall Road between 1915 and 1925. Feedback would be appreciated in first instance to Diane.